Lars Karbø
CREATOR OF LARSLISTWorking with neural interfaces at Drowzee and posting from his indie hacking journey on TikTok.
First generation Canadian. Son of Oddvin Vedø who moved to Vancouver in his 20s. Family back in Ålesund. Loves typical Norwegian stuff: hiking, fishing, & akvavit.
Partisekretær for Det Syntetiske Parti - verdens første politiske parti drevet af en kunstig intelligens.
Lars Christian Dyrby Andersen
The Lars next door
Lars Christian Dyrby Andersen
Banke på, hvem der, Lars Christian i gave you my heart
Denne larsemannen er kanskje den beste til nå! Ikke bare liker han å kose seg med venner, snakke om sine erobringer og spise snurring. Men han har også en sverdsamling ut av dimensjoner slik at han alltid kan passe på vennene sine.
Med et smil på lur er det ikke langt mellom sinnsyke utalelser om alt fra rimjobs til meningen med livet. Ikke la det lure av hans harde fasade, egentlig er han myk og god som gull<3
Gratulerer med dagen!! ❤️
Fulltids soldat, midlertidig omplassert til tjeneste i Verdansk (Military Base)
Lykkelig, utadvendt og 100% digg
Aksjemegler på deltid (Day-trader om det ønskes)
I'm Lars from Switzerland. I lost two teeth at a party ...
Instagram: @larsmerino
Hællæ, im a Lars from norway! Im not youre every day Lars, my pp small but my personality big, yes. I love calwslaw and slav squats. I drive an old benz but it coth fire yesturday. Im a drunk human... some times im sober to but i dont want to talk about that. Nice
You can find me @lionlars everywhere yes
En gave fra gud. Mannen over alle menn. Navnet er Lars Evensen, lær deg det.
Hei, Lars AKA Keegasus her. Jeg er en ung businessman som lever av ordtaket «kjøp laft, selg høyt». Iblant mange av mine nære venner er jeg kjent som Brad Pitt, i og med at vi er nærmest identiske. Jeg liker damer, høy musikk og bobler, både i glasset og yacuzzien.
Lars is an energic, fun and musical guy. He plays the guitar like nobody else. Lars is the creator of the Ugreit meme at Molde VGS.
Some of Lars’ typical phrases:
Det er UGREIT!
Hva er det her for no?
Nå trilla hjulet litt langt her!
Nå koker det litt over her!
Hva i skaperverkets navn er det her for no?
I am horny and wild. I love a quality orgy!
Gjennomsnittlig gamer som er alt for glad i blanc pilsen
Ellers helt trivelig
This Lars has an interest in almost all subject areas from philosophy to engineering to music. He plays keyboard in various bands on his freetime, has lived half of his life as a third culture kid outside of Norway, and will study Mechatronics in Manchester in the coming years.
He is proud of his name and greatfull to be a part of this wonderful community of Larses.
Larsern er fra Moss og anses som Russlands store sønn. Han har mastergrad i Economy & Business og har ytterligere 5 bachelorgrader og har ikke tenkt å gi seg med å studere med det første.
"Good things happen to whose who hustle" - Lars Joachim Paulsen
This Lars is an angel. He is sweet and smart. 18 years old and likes football and hunting.
A very cool, hip ans a down-to-earth guy. Unfortunately he started balding at a very young age, but have a beardgame like no other viking out there.
Jeg er en snill gutt med glimt i øyet. Om jeg var like flink med damer som jeg er i matte hadde jeg vært døpt meg om til Hugh Hefner.
This is not your ordinary everyday Lars, this is a premium edition Lars-Henrik! and if there’s one thing you should know about Lars’s, it’s that he is definitely better as a Lars-Henrik!
A thoroughly good guy who spends basically all his time hiking
Lars Hoddø a real viking from Norway who loves beer and snow. He enjoys friends, adventures and a laughs. If you ever vist Trondheim, you'll likely meet him at the local afterparty or by his courageous adventures.
Lars Henrik Rosten Gabrielsen
This is Lars. He is the best lars that I know of. Crazy good with the guitar and is generally a really good guy
This guy is the smartest Lars in the world with only good grades. If you have bad friends or anything, this guy wont help.
This Lars is a norwegian highschooler, he is currently 18. He loves hamburgers, and he dreams of becoming a professional twitch streamer/gamer.
This is the most larsy Lars out there, while being a Lars he is also a frog whisperer, he can talk and understand frogs like no one else. On top of all this he is also a traktor Lars.
Hey, I am dutch Lars. I study Earth Science, like hiking with my dog, am incredibly dislexic and can't stand the sound of people chewing. This is by far the best site I ever visited and can't wait to see how big it will grow. Have a nice day. (SO to my girls in Norway)
The most norwegian Lars you’ll find on this page. I love my country, alcohol and making snow angels.
Just another Lars. Trying to be the best Lars as he can. I have something in common with another Lars. Me and Lars Ulrich both play in a band. I dont play in Metallica, but still...
Lars er født 11. juli 1998 er for øyeblikket bosatt i Mo i Rana i Nordland. Han er kjæresten til Synne. Lars er en aktiv speider på fritiden, selv om han ikke har så mye tid til å praktisere denne fritidsaktiviteten like mye som han ønsker lenger på grunn av arbeid og vilje. I 2019 var Lars vognfører i Telekompaniet i sambandsbataljonen på Beltevogn 206. Dette var nok egentlig drømmejobben til Lars, men han har valgt å gå tilbake til sitt gamle yrke som tømrer og murer. I 2016 var Lars arrangementsleder for roverball i Mo i Rana. Hele familien hans er enig om at dette var nok hans stolteste øyeblikk. Lars ser for seg å flytte sørover i nærmeste fremtid. Det er fordi han har en drøm om å bli søring. Dette sammen med kjæresten sin som han i flere år har valgt å holde hemmelig for å verne om privatlivet sitt.
Livet er kort om du ikke har gullkort.
I'm a boxer born in 04 and currently studying to become a maritime electrician at Alta Videregående. I love Pepsi Max and motorcycles. What can I say, i like to drive my bike, fish, go boxing and lift heavyweights 🥊💪 Love country music and tractors 🤠
Consultant @ Atea, VMUG Leader, coder,speaker,rocker, 12x vExpert, vExpertPRO, vmktree, vmfaq, core-four,, RageAgainstTheVM
This is Lars Mijatovic. Not really good at anything. He’s just vibing and has a fresh haircut. A very happy Lars. He’s just living life!
I'm identifying as a fish, certified fish by the Lost City Of Atlantis Goverment. \r\nAge: 20 in human age, 51,5 in fish age\r\nCurrently living in The North See Oceanarium.
I am born i norway 2003, i love snus, my friends and pussy
Hey, my name is Lars. \r\nSmelling WunderBaum on a fulltime.\r\nGot a shitty snapchat name.\r\nWannabe Lars Monsen.
The best teacher in Hammerfest Vgs. Arguably the most chill person in the world.
Lars Didrik Engelbrethsen
Has a great heart for his friends while doing stupid things himself. Loves photography and is actually good at it.
Hustler supreme. Hardest working health care worker in Bømlo, Norway. Pretty popular in the single mom community. Background in economics and always looking for the next side hustle.
Norsk rørlegger og bonde.\r\nRastløs og blid
My name is lars johann and i love to play farming simulator. I drive my car all day and i love opel
Lars Tobias Hansen Gryting
Pizza and D&D Lover Lars
En gladfisk fra Norges perle Torpa. \r\nSki og Fotball er mine store interesser.
Bodybuilder at inshape and socketforbindelsen star!
This Lars may look small but his ambitions are BIG. Spends his days building choppers and eating raw chicken.
Lars Kristian King Fjellvang
A lot of Lars in a small package
Lars hær fyrn. Du finner han på our story i Kirkenes.
Lars Erik «Lasse» Thorsen
Var på det norske Landslaget i Amerikansk fotball
Lars veldig kul\r\n15 tror jeg from norway\r\nVery handsome
Jeg er Lars \r\n15 tror jeg fra Elverum\r\nVery handsome\r\nRebecca is my best friend
Lars er fra Hanstad, han har dame. Han elsker alt som har med 06 og gjøre, fra snus til mennesker. På en god dag tar han en 07
Lars-Georg Reinlund Sæther
The colest Larses you will find in Norway. If you can find him, you're really lucky
Crazy qukumdet farmer lars
Tidenes største legende, med tidenes største duvet. Bare spør han om han vil ha vannmelon eller sjokolade, så kommer han hjem til deg.
Den kjedeligste Lars'en som eksisterer. Har stor interesse for biler og kampsport
Studying some nerdy stuff at NTNU.\r\nAlso a lady lover
working full time as a mechanic and part time stripper go check out my onlyfans Larsmus
Lars Sebastien Hauglarsen
Ole H is my dad and CC is my bro
Idiot på deltid bondelegende på fulltid😎
Kokk på deltid, 100% sjef på fullti. er ikke mange som topper han her. Yt heter bollemennene fra bolleland.
This Lars i from norway, And he always takes things too far
Lars Magnus Strand Smevik
This is a Lars. Kinda smart and if he wants to abit handsome. Born in 2005. Raised in Trøndelag. Loves brunost.
Working on a family farm in Gjerdrum, Norway. Pro cyclist and father of the champion in mountain biking Ulrik Tvedt
This is an absolute unit with a beautiful bearded. Lars likes to play videogames, drink beer and eat tacos. He is also a twitch streamer and currently studying to become a teacher at the University in Bergen.
My name is Lars. I am 21 yrs old and is currently simping for my girlfriend. My boys in tromsoe miss me, but i am a big simp so always my girl number one. #100kgclub #Rasputin #raaaaaa
I am a hybrid lars that likes donglebær.
This Trønder Edition of Lars is a cool one. He loves a good joke (no PC) and he works as a political adviser for the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry.
I am a alkoholiker who hets beaten up by his dad daily. I also drive firhjuling very fast and almost crash. I work in tha farm on Meisingset. I am 172cm tall. I am a bit fat. I love cats name is løk and The other one is banes pelle popo
Han er søt,kjekk,søt og kul. Han heter også Las
Lika å grava me gravemaskinen min! Hardtarbeidane nordmann på bømlo maskin.
full time alcoholic, I'm still a child but I have big potential
Currently studying criminology while working part time at McDonalds drive through. Has a crazy obsession with the movie Frozen and Hairspray, the musical. Fun, free spirited and quite the Don Juan. Calls himself Superman.
Works offshore, loves working out and spending time with my child. Very proud dad!
😡🔪 Lars er en veldig koselig bisexual og han er smart. Viktig å huske at han er egentlig et angrepshelikopter. Veldig viktig. Han har hua.
I am the only cool Lars! #votetheonlycoollarslarsisthebestlmao Remember guys! Larses have to stick together.
Proff Schnæser, bænge dame på fritiå og nyde livet.
Et redningshelikopter med lue. Intresang humor, veldig sexy. Knuste et glaff. Stabe folk🥺🔪. Stab han tebars😡🔪
iriterende liten gutt med hvit hår som spiller fotball
Working as a potato for industrial company, love hunting and snowmobile.\r\nfrom the deep end of Norway. And i love RanheimPB
Pro wrestler, famous for his knowledge about his home Town (Trondheim)
The ultimate lars, the only real Lars. @dumas05 on snap🌝| @dumas05 on snap!! Add me
Terrific copy of a Lars. A Norwegian plumber-Lars, born in 2000. Social and pleasant. Vigorous is he and. The letter R is not his greatest talent.
This Lars is just an average Lars. Nothing special. He do be kinda from frøya tho. Not interessed in any kind of social medias. So he do be kinda old too tho
Eg vant rocket League turnering på verdens største dataparty i gloppen Blan\r\n
Går på Alta Videregående skole \r\nJobber i fjøs og kjører motorsykkel
16 år gammel gutt som er up and comming elektikker! Har ikke så mye kult å si men jeg spiller gitar?😬 Kjenner en annen Lars som også er registrert hær. 9512 Alta e plassen💪
White guy from fredrikstad. studies in highschool and have a couple of dark jokes
Lars is very high and vert dumb. Larshilstad på snap, Ig Lars Hilstad
Im Lars and my la(r)stname is Hyden. Im a fishing god.
Related to Le monke and working in a zoo
Working on Sport 1 and Rena Bowling
Fortnite gamer and a kind friend, add my snapchat @LarsEven02
Hi! My name is Lars and I love anime #Nihao. On my spare time I like to skate and do judo.
This Norwegian Lars is known by many names. "Langelars", "Extralars" "Bare lars" "larsiboy" "lonely lars" and many more. He is a tall individual that will probably lift you up if he wants to without consent. Also known for his hugs.
Best Lars in Norway, ready for IT next year
Lars Michael torbjør johansen
Jeg er Lars hær fra dt virale meme Lars hær i nord Norge i kommunen Troms Finnmark
Truckmechanic, love party. You'll see me at Roskilde Festival!
Vart tvunget til å melde meg her
Competed in the 2005 NM in Grandiosa-eating. Did not win. Didn´t even come close.
Politician, love sports and climbing
Lars is in high school. He is studying electronics and wants be a electrician.
Graphic Designer, working with several interesting projects for corporate, startups, and local businesses.
Lars has ADHD and likes to dance in funerals
16 years old Gamer, Streamer and a friend. My favourite food is Lasagna. I got a dog named Jølle. Lol, hope i get in im Lars and im proud of being a Lars
Lars is a short man who likes to sing High School Musical songs while biking.
Lars Riste, also Lars Sellevoll if you want:) born 2004 lives in Valdres, aka a boring hole. Work part time on a gas station, and yes. Im rich from it
I like beer and «stjernegris». But i wish i have a girlfriend| Instagram: haugen125
Tidligere strongman og power lifter. Profesjonell løgnhals utdannet i salgsfaget
This Lars is sometimes called Lasse. He is from Sarpsborg, the greatest city in all of Norway. He's on track to become a psychologist, and enjoys a good Gin & Tonic. The trick is to use lime as fruit, and Schweppes with lemon for that sweet combined citrus taste. Also, blueberries for that subtle keeg taste.
Lars is an asian Korean that lives in Norway and is studying to become a bartender
Hi my name is lars i am a big panser. My best friend i Morten, he is a sammalt grandis. I simp to girls on saturdays, and am a part of Tycoon 2021, the only group in norway.
Livsnyter som elsker pene damer. Utdannet tømrer men skal bli aksjeinvestor isteden. Hobbyer er fotball, musikk og damer
This is a Danish Lars, he likes to sleep.
Lilla Linda Lompe Lars. 12 år gammel
Lars Martinius Skogheim Endrerud
love to use my metal detector and make pizza, maybe some guitar,, who knows
Norwegian Lars that loves to enjoy a taco with corn on a Friday, Saturday or any other day og the week. He is the undefeated taco king!
I work retail, because shops are where the hoes spends their time
Dysleksien hans får han til å skrive laxs isteden for Lars
I like to hunt and kill animals. My favourite type of girls are my pupils😍
From Norway, and still in middle school, practices cross country skiing. Has lived in Brazil for about four years. Really into snow sports
Hey. My name is Lars. I know right, didn’t expect that. I live in Norway and like to lift heavy objects from the ground, so I can become even stronger than last time. My goal in life is to become the most Lars of all the Lars’es. I will make you cry btw.
Fearlessly tackling his coffee flavored ice cream addiction while pursuing his masters degree in pure mathematics. Proud winner of the bronze medal in the Kaupanger Mario Kart 64 tournament of 2016.
Jesus på deltid, legende på fulltid
Studying at Edvard Munch vgs. Loves problemsolving
Bøvrasbøgg stor å støgg, korokått nase å skjæv røgg. Syltøranj e prima.
Ble kåret til norges mest sexy mann av blindeforbundet;)
Some gamer called Lars from Norway. Fifteen years old and is simply vibing.
Not so interesting, tall, like RedBull and is an ok goalkeeper
This Lars is a former rock legend from the norwegian band Phlake. He has now retired the metal-life for family-life and brewing beer.
Likes too fish with Fredrik
He is very funny and he loves skateboarding
Waiter, car nuts and overall funny guy with no sparetime. Winner of a sport nobody know about.
Also known as: "The King Of Fykse". Loves football and Manchester City is the team. You dont fuck with this guy. Then the rest of the sneglebabes from Arabistan comes to eat you;)
Working on my backsholder at the gym. At weekends I party and have fun. I also give great tips on indian archietecture.
Lars living in iceland. Passion for getting drunk at arabar.
Ligs is a BEAST Professional baseball player. Dual-citizen 🇺🇸🇳🇴. Godlike Gamer. Part time golfer. Secret Agent. Has a Tik Tok.
I am the best Lars. No of the other Larses have a chance at being better than me. In everything. Except a lot of things. One of my greatest abilities is the amount of eating I can do in One day. Chocolate, coocies, køttbullar and a lot of other stuff.
Extreme athlete from North of Norway. Studying lector in Tromsø. Also a football referee and player. Some say he soon wil be seen on norwegian TV.
An aspiring EDM producer. Norwegian.
Lars Andreas Tingvold Algott
Doing skate and gaming, likes too fish and is unbelievably good at English. Working out 5-6 times a week and is very healthy.
Also known as 'Kabbelars'. 19 years old and lives in the west coast of Norway.
Film student with a love for beer, retro video games & Nicolas Cage. Likes Halloween more than any other holliday.
This Lars is studying to be a car mechanic and a part time gamer.
This Lars is studying Hotel and Tourism in Nyköping Sweden, (yes he's still in school :c). He indeed has very nice sweaters, hit him up on instagram if you want style advice (Lasseboi0). Of course as the zoomer he is, he found out about Larslist through TikTok.
Also called: 'LÆRI'. Studying veterenary medicine in Oslo. Born and raised in Frex (Fredrikstad) .ILLE GLAD I BACON!
This Lars is an Instagram influencer. His best friend is Tore.
A blonde boy from South-West Norway. He likes football and is good at it. He is a Lars.
This norwegian Lars is a student of University of Bergen and studies nordic languages. He is also a Great Smash Ultimate player.
Former national orientering champion. As a technical master mind, Lars has managed to bypass the admin rights on a school-pc, making it run a portforwarded minecraft server. Lars is a "jordnær type", translated to english, a close to earth kind of guy
Quite the nerd, has a great interest for Information Systems, gaming and learning new instruments. Also the winner of the 2007 Karl Johans gate Harry Potter quiz
This norwegian Lars is a full time Twitch streamer. That's pretty cool.
This norwegian Lars is a 17 year old currently in high school. Doesn't have a more interesting bio yet. Let's give him some years.
Probably the biggest Pure Maths enthusiast who ever decided to study Informatics instead. In Germany we say “1 Ehrenmann”.
Studying Informatics at the University of Edinburgh and a paragon of all things nerdy! Organizing Hack the Burgh 2021!
This Lars is a beast at machine learning and AI. Working as a consultant and has some crazy side projects coming soon.
Working with a social chatbot solution (Differ) to help students build meaningful relationships. Happy Swede that emigrated to Norway
Founder of LODDO - a digital marketing agency. Hustler to the bone, and good at selling things online.